
Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I feel like I've found a mini-groove with writing over the past week. It has filled me with inexplicable joy to be tap, tap, tapping away at the keyboard once more - some days I've barely made it out of my pj's. Co-mmitt-ed (or choose)

Want to have a laugh at my expense?

I penned a section today that has actually left me feeling a bit melancholic. I was telling Scott this evening while I stirred the spaghetti and the irony suddenly struck me. Hang on a second, I wrote this stuff, I actually made it up in my head what on earth am I getting so worked up about...?

My jury is out on whether or not I'll change it but what a dork. 




Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Every morning you should get up and eat the frog first. After that everything else is a breeze. So I'm told.

Nom, nom, nom...froggie



From Jacqueline Grace Photography

Friday, October 5, 2012


I've just added up Chapter 5 and increased the word line spacing to 1.5. Hopefully this will mean it's slightly easier to read?

Just for you Stephanie :) 



Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I'm stuck.

I'm having a big fat period of writers bog. I'm writing, deleting, re-writing, re-deleting the same paragraph over and over again.

Thank you so much to you wonderful people who keep emailing me asking for more. It's about the only thing that keeps me opening the computer and writing, deleting, re-writing, re-deleting....

You get the picture.

Another way to look at this is that all progress is good.


Sorry for the rant.

More story soon.


Friday, September 14, 2012


Today I stood at the grave of one of the world's greatest writers and paid homage. I wont bamboozle you with any further words, suffice to say it was humbling beyond measure.

We shared a moment, Shakespeare and I, and I told him I was a big fan of his work. I shared this intimate experience with around 5 - 10 other tourists and shamelessly hogged front-row-centre for at least 5 minutes kill joy.

I'll put up some pictures on the photography site shortly, for the meantime I'll leave the rest to your imagination.


PS - Thank you so much for stopping by
PPS - More on the story soon, we have limited connectivity where we're staying but I promise I'm making progress

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hard Slogger:

First things first.

If you've managed to make your way through what's currently up online congratulations! My mother assures me the formatting is atrocious but I'm persevering.

During difficult parts just conjure up and image of Dory chanting "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming," as it's likely it's what I'm singing to myself.

We're in the process of a life changing experience moving house/hemispheres so while the updates may be a little sparse over the coming weeks bear with me.

If you are still reading - I hope you're enjoying what's there.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

PREP yourself

Here we go - I've just plonked up the first few chapters of the story I'm currently working on, which is called PREP.

Lads, probably not one for you here but ladies - might be up your alley?

School's back in session kiddies!

PREP is a story I started writing years ago and was originally based on Lord of the Flies...Thank goodness it's evolved since then (and I'd challenge you to find any similarities these days), however isn't it funny where you can draw inspiration?

Set against the back drop of a well-heeled English boarding school we follow three protagonists as they learn exactly how wrong things can go when money can't buy you everything (in a very...large...nutshell)

Check it out (I'm writing this with quavering fingers as it's honest to goodness warts and all), via the tab above.




Okay team, time for a hand on heart conversation. 

I'm truly terrified to be publishing these page. Terr-i-fied!

For as long as I can remember (probably earlier, ask my mother), I've had these crazy stories swimming around in my head. Every so often I'll have a fit of passion and be holed up for weeks writing, then shelve it for a few more weeks, months...years. Inevitably though we'll always find out way back together and this is what brings me to this page. 

It took a solid week of "man-flu" (of the worst variety) a few weeks back for us to reconnect, but I feel I need to start getting these stories out of my head and onto a page in order to do them justice. 

Time for a few caveats: 
  1. I'm posting these stories in good face, raw and entirely unedited. Good, bad, ugly - take it as you will. Right now I'm focusing on the philosophy that all first drafts are rubbish and I really just need to focus on finishing the darn story before reviewing it. So, please accept my apologies for death by punctuation, repeated sentences or glaring plot holes. These will be ironed out in time. Promise. 
  2. Further to the above I'd love a good beta editor. If you're out there, and you happen to be available please (puh-lease) get in touch. It'll be the start of something special. Cross my heart. 
  3. I'm not a professional writer,  constructive feedback is greatly appreciated, be kind
I'm going to work on one story at a time - I'm currently building this site, so bear with me as I progress. I'll continue to upload additions as I can, for now try to enjoy. 

